Madrasahs, Mosques, Tombs and Masjids in Alanya

Seljuk Madrasah

It was built by Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat in 1232 on a hill in Obaköy neighbourhood. The entrance on the western flank of the Seljuk Madrasah is decorated with Seljuk motifs and consists of a madrasah courtyard, six rooms lined on both sides and an iwan. The carvings on the inner gate of the madrasa show the Seljuk crafts and educational institutions to the visitors.

Suleymaniye Mosque

It was first built in 1231 in the time of the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat just outside the İçkale. The mosque was demolished as a result of lightning and was rebuilt in the 16th century by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. It is also known as Alaeddin Mosque, Kale Mosque and Orta Hisar Mosque.

The mosque, which has a single minaret, was constructed of rubble stone in a square plan and was covered with a dome resting on an octagonal pulley. 15 small cubes were placed on the part of the dome which served as a hanger to provide acoustics. Those who want to see the Süleymaniye mosque in Alanya Castle can easily reach Alanya Castle by public bus.

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Andızlı Emir Bedruddin Mosque

The mosque, which took its name from the arceuthos drupaceous (andız tree) next to it, was built in 1277 by Yalılar Emiri Emir-ül Haç Zade Bedrüddin Ömer. The mosque located in Tophane Neighborhood has gained its present appearance after the renovation works in 1970. From the old structure to the present day, the courtyard, the entrance gate, three inscriptions and a minaret remain. The mosque, which has the original architectural features of the Seljuk period, has an inscription indicating that it was repaired in 1725. The minaret of the mosque is made of cut stone and is shorter than the other minarets. It is possible to see the most beautiful examples of Seljuk carving art in the pulpit of the mosque, which is also the oldest mosque with many features belonging to Seljuks. If you want to visit the mosque, you should use the gateway down the Kızılkule.

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Aksebe Sultan Masjid

There is a cylindrical minaret built with red bricks on a pedestal made of rubble stone a few meters away from the mosque. The minaret, which ends in the cheers section, has an interesting appearance with this structure.

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Tophane Masjid

The mosque, which was a 19th-century Ottoman structure, gained its present appearance as a result of renovation and maintenance works using local craftsmen and traditional construction techniques. The upper floor ceiling coverings and doors of the building are made of cedar and larch used in the traditional structures of Alanya.

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Gemili Masjid:

Being one of the structures of the 13th century Seljuk period in the Alanya Castle, the masjid was built as a single-storey square plan covered with a dome by using rubble stone and bricks with masonry construction technique. There are about 170 ship graffiti on the interior walls of the building, which were made with charcoal and engraving techniques and shed light on the maritime history of Alanya.

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