Mount Nemrut National Park

Nemrut Mountain is 2150 meters high and it is located 65 km away from Adıyaman 85 Kâhta district. In order to show his gratitude and respect to the gods and ancestors of Antiochus I, the king of Commagene, he built monumental statues and graves against the magnificent view on Mount Nemrut. The gigantic statues, which are well preserved, are 8 to 10 meters high and made of limestone blocks. East, West and North terraces spread over the East side of the sacred area has the most important statues and ruins in this area. The tomb of the King has not yet been discovered, although its existence is known. Mount Nemrut was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.

East Terrace:

There are rows of giant statues on the terrace, which is considered a sanctuary. Among the statues are the protective eagle representing the kingdom's dominance of the sky, the protective lion representing the dominance of the earth, statues of Antiochos 1, King of Kommagene, Zeus, Apollon and Herakles. Along with the reliefs of the members of the Commagene royal family in the north and south of the terrace, there is a statue of a lion sitting next to the Altar in front of the statues. Those who come to Nemrut Mountain to watch the sunrise again can watch on this terrace.

West Terrace:

As on the East terrace, on the West terrace, there are statues of giant gods, shaking hands with the gods, along with the statue of Antiochus the king of Commagene, and a lion horoscope relief on astrology. The moon and stars on the lion relief read the date of King Antiochus I ascension to the throne on July 7, 62 BC. Watching the sunset, traditionalized by those who climbed Mount Nemrut, is done from this terrace.

North Terrace:

The North terrace, which connects the East and West terraces, is a 180 meters long ceremonial way. There are incomplete stele and pedestals on the north terrace.

Nowhere else in the world the sunrise and sunset are watched more than here. Therefore, visitors come to Mount Nemrut not only to see historical monuments but also to watch the sunrise and sunset. Transportation to Nemrut Mountain, which is 86 km from Adıyaman city centre and 66 km from the Adiyaman airport, is provided by private vehicles or tour organizers. For those who want to tour the Nemrut Mountain, tours are organized under the name of Long tour, Short tour and Normal tour.

Kahta Castle (New Castle)

The castle, which was established within the borders of Mount Nemrut national park, was built by Kommagene, but dates back to the Hittites. It was used by the Romans and Mamluks and was repaired in 1970. The castle, which is 350 meters high, has water cisterns, baths, mosques, dungeons, 80 meters long-hidden waterway leading to Kahta tea, an area where postal pigeons are raised, many tablets and inscriptions.

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Cendere Bridge (Septimius Severus)

The Cendere bridge was built on the Cendere stream, which is located between Kahta and Sincik districts of Adiyaman, in the 1st century AD by the 16th Roman legion Septimius Severus. The bridge, which is 24 km away from 55 Kahta to Adıyaman, is built by placing 92 stone columns on top of each other without using any cement or similar material. There are columns dedicated to Emperor Septimius Severus, his wife Julia Domna and their son Caracalla on the bridge, which is 120 meters long and 7 meters wide. The column erected in the name of the Emperor’s other son, Geta, was removed by his brother Caracalla, who killed him.

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Karakus Tumulus

This area, where the tombs of the royal family of Commagene is located, takes its name from the eagle statue placed on the column. Next to this tumulus, which is 9 meters high, there is a monumental tomb built by a pile of 21 meter high pebbles and four Commagene queens. It was estimated that there were 12 columns around the monument at the time of its construction, and only four of them are standing today.

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