The ancient pool was formed by the collapse of the columns on the street and the filling of the water in the pit formed by the earthquake that occurred in the 7th century BC. The water temperature of the pool, which is open in summer and winter, is always 36 degrees. Research has shown that the water in the pool is good for many diseases. It is known to prevent stomach spasm if drunk. It is recommended that those who wish to swim in the hot pool, where the historical ruins are, bring shorts or swimsuits with them. The pool is called Cleopatra Pool because the Egyptian queen Cleopatra is said to swim in this pool. Entrance to the pool area and swimming in the pool is for a fee and museum cardholders can only enter the pool area free of charge. Admission is free for children aged 0-6. Visiting hours: From April to October between 08:00 and 21:00. From October to March between 08:00 and 17:00
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