Churches in Alanya

Hıdırellez Church The church is located within the borders of Hacı Mehmetli Village which is 13 km away from Alanya. It is estimated to have been built at the end of the 18th century. The inscription of the church, which was understood to have been repaired in 1873, is now on display at the Alanya Museum.

Hıdrellez Church, which has three gates, is also called Agios Georgios, and similar churches can be found in Kaleiçi, Antalya.

Ayayorgi Church (Hagios Georgios) The rectangular structure, built entirely of stone adjacent to the south-east fortification wall of the fortress, was formerly called Aya Yorgi Church. The building, which was thought to have been built in the 6th century BC, was taken under protection with the castle. The mihrab is located to the east of the structure with a domed top. 

In the beginning, a 6 m wide square planned tower belonging to the Hellenistic period tower was built on the structure and a church was built during the Byzantine period. During the Seljuk period, the church was preserved and used as a masjid during the construction of the old city walls.

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