Manisa Attractions

Kuladokya – Kula Fairy Chimneys

Kula district of Manisa is located in 18 km from Kuladokya is known as Turkey’s second fairy chimneys of Cappadocia. It is not known when Kuladokya which is located near Burga village, is formed but it is estimated that it was formed as a result of heavy rain and wind. Those who visit Manisa are definitely recommended to see this natural area. Transportation to Kuladokya which is near Kula is provided by private vehicles.

Spil Mountain National Park

Spil Mountain, which has an area of approximately 6900 hectares, was accepted as a national park in 1966. In the national park, canyons, caves and dolmens formed as a result of the collapse, as well as many tree species, roe deer, wild goats, badgers and animals such as squirrels can be found. There are different trails for those interested in hiking and mountaineering in the Spil Mountain, and there are ruins of the Tantalus castle, relief of the goddess of fertility Kybele and the Weeping rock at the foot of the mountain. There are camping areas, chalets, caravan areas, picnic areas and catering facilities for those who want to stay in the national park which has a magnificent nature.

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Sardes Ancient City

The ancient city located in the village of Sart in the Salihli district of Manisa was the capital of the Lydian state in ancient times and is also known as the beginning of the royal road. Although the ancient city has the first known theatre in history, it is still waiting to be unearthed. The historical library and the king&#39;s thrones can easily be seen in the ancient city. Excavations are continuing in the ancient city and the artefacts are exhibited in the ethnographic Museum of Manisa. There is a cemetery of 85 graves belonging to the Royal Lydian Family on the Bin hills, 5 km north of the town of Sart.

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