Places to Visit in Foça

Among the places to be seen in Foça are the Siren rocks, the Devil bath (rock tomb), the hill with Foça windmills, the ruins of the Temple of Athena, the Persian monumental tomb, the Cybele sanctuary, the ceramic dumps, the Maltepe Tumulus, the Herodotus wall, the theater, the city walls, the Beşkapılar castle and walls.

Foça Siren Cliffs:

In ancient times, sea creatures in the shape of birds, believed to live in rocky areas and islands, were called Siren. Today, Siren rocks, which are identified with Foça, are the habitats of seals and this area is under protection. It is forbidden to swim and climb to the cliffs.

Foça Port:

If you like to go on a morning or evening walks to watch the sunset or sunrise, eat in the restaurants around the port or enjoy your evenings in the bars then you should definitely visit the port of Foça. Foça port and its surroundings are among the most visited spots in Foça, especially in summer months.

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Foça city bazaar:

In the bazaar which is established every Tuesday in Fevzi Paşa neighbourhood, local souvenirs, jewellery, ceramic products, souvenirs, dried figs and fresh and dried herbs used for making local foods are sold.

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