Places to visit in Trabzon

With its lush nature, abundant oxygen and deep-rooted history, Trabzon have many spots to see.Places to visit include inns, baths, mosques, churches, bazaars, museums and natural beauties.


Uzungöl, which is connected to Çaykara district, welcomes its visitors as a wonder of nature hidden among the mountains and forests. Uzungöl is 96 km away from Çaykara and 19 Trabzon. The number of visitors increases, especially in the summer months. The lake has a depth of 500 meters and 15 meters, and there is the possibility of strolling by sea bike on the lake. For those who want to see Uzungöl from the air, there is the possibility of paragliding in Uzungöl, and those who make paragliding can see the magnificent lake from the air for approximately 15 minutes. There are also trekking opportunities in Uzungol. Transportation is provided by Uzungöl vehicles departing from Trabzon Çömlekçi or by private vehicles.


Sumela Monastery

Sumela Monastery, which enchants those who see with the sight of a steep mountain slope, is located in the village of Altındere in Maçka. As well as its exterior appearance, the monastery is also interesting with its library, student rooms, chapels, kitchen, guesthouse and holy sections. The architectural structure of the monastery, which was built on 6 floors between 375-395, is visited by thousands of tourists every year with its fine frescoes and paintings on Sumela Monastery, which enchants those who see with the sight of a steep mountain slope, is located in the village of Altındere in Maçka. As well as its exterior appearance, the monastery is also interesting with its library, student rooms, chapels, kitchen, guesthouse and holy sections.

The architectural structure of the monastery, which was built on 6 floors between 375-395, is visited by thousands of tourists every year with its fine frescoes and paintings on

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Atatürk Mansion

Atatürk’s mansion in the Soğuksu neighbourhood was used when Atatürk visited Trabzon and Atatürk stayed there. The mansion , which was converted into a museum after Atatürk’s death, draws attention with its architectural structure. In the museum, paintings, furniture, carpets, porcelain and furniture used by Atatürk during his visit to Trabzon are exhibited. The mansion, which is open to visitors every day of the week, is accessible by buses departing from Trabzon Atatürk area every half hour.

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Zagnos Valley Park

Located in the centre of Trabzon, the valley is one of the places that Trabzon residents prefer to relax and spend time. There are also areas suitable for picnicking in the park. The park, which is located in the city centre, is easily accessible by minibuses departing from Trabzon bus station.

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Trabzon Castle

The Tannery and the Trabzon Castle, which was founded on the top of Zagnos valley, were estimated to be built in the 4th century BC.Trabzon castle, which is one of the best-preserved historical monuments in Trabzon, is one of the most visited places of Trabzon.The castle consists of Upper Hisar, Inner Castle, Middle Hisar and Lower Hard. It was found that the emperor and his family, nobles and princes were in the castle of Yukarı Hisar during the construction period. In the same section, the hippodrome, bath, theatre building and ammunition was found to exist.Located in Araklı district, Kale is open to visitors until 17:00.

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Gülbahar Hatun Tomb

It is a mosque built by Yavuz Sultan Selim’s mother Gülbahar. The mosque, built in the 1500s, attracts people who see the stonework and architectural structure.The mosque where Gülbahar Hatun’s tomb is located has an octagonal plan and is made of yellowish cut stone. There are also two symbolic coffins belonging to her daughter Kamer Sultan and the prince Salih.

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Küçük Ayvasıl Museum

According to the inscriptions at the entrance door, the Küçük Ayvasıl church, built between 884-885, dates back to Byzantine times and is located in the city centre. The church, which attracts visitors with an architectural structure similar to the castles. The church has two gates to the west and south, and its guard and angel reliefs on the walls and columns inside are of eye-catching beauty.

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Altindere Valley National Park

The national park, including the Sumela monastery, is located within the boundaries of the Altındere Valley Maçka. Altındere Valley, which was granted the status of a national park in 1984, has an area of 4,468 hectares. Areas suitable for activities such as hiking, mountaineering, camping, fishing are located in the Altındere Valley National Park and the park attracts visitors with its magnificent nature. There are also suitable accommodation areas for those who wish to stay in the valley.

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Çal Cave

The interesting cave passing through the stream is located within the boundaries of Çal village.The second-longest cave in the world, the Çal cave also has a walking area of 400 meters.The creek, waterfall and pond in the cave fascinates people who see it.Frequently visited by nature lovers, the cave is open to visitors every day of the year.

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Hagia Sophia Museum (Church):

The bell of the church, which was estimated to have been built in the time of Manuel I (1250-1260), one of the kings of the Comments State of Trabzon, and the church was built in 1427. The church was converted into a mosque after Trabzon passed under the Ottoman rule and started to serve as a museum in 1944.

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Bedesten, which is one of the oldest commercial areas of the city , is also known as the bazaar of Trabzon.It is possible to find all kinds of products in the bazaar. The bazaar has an authentic appearance and opens at 09:00 in the morning and closes at 23:00 at night.

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Trabzon Highlands

Among the most preferred spots to cool off in summer are the Trabzon highlands. The highlands with their colourful festivals are among the most preferred places for nature, camping and hiking lovers to stay and camp. Among the most visited highlands in Trabzon and its vicinity are Hıdırnebi, Sis Mountain Plateau, Akçaabat-Karadağ Plateau, Haçkaobası Plateau, Şolma Plateau, Kirazlı Plateau, Lapazan Plateau, Mosque Strait Plateau and Sultan Murat Plateau .

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