
Located in the central part of the Black Sea region, Sinop which has a magnificent nature and a rich history is frequently visited by nature enthusiasts,hikers, campers,people who’d like to cool in its waterfalls and take great photos, especially in summer months. Founded in the 7th century BC, the city has been home to many civilizations throughout history. 60% of the city is forested and Sinop, where the Black Sea climate is seen, is mostly rainy. According to surveys Turkey’s happiest people live in Sinop. Transportation to Sinop is quite easy with buses departing from everywhere in Turkey and Sinop airport is 8 km away from the city centre for those who want to transport by air.

Places to visit in Sinop

Sinop Archeology Museum

Which started in 1921 as a result of the excavations in Sinop,many works were uncovered and started to be exhibited in Sinop Archeology Museum which was established in 1941.

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Sinop Castle

The castle, which is estimated to be approximately 4,000 years old, was built for defence purposes. After the castle was built, it was built on to its present form. The total length of the city castle walls surrounding the city is 2973 meters and has a height of 30 meters and a width of 3 meters. The castle, which initially had 6 gates, has only reached 2 gates. The cafe in the castle serves food and drinks.

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Boyabat Castle

It is not known exactly when the castle was built on the steep rocky hill in the Gökırmak Valley in Boyabat district. Some of the castle towers are rounded and rectangular It is also interesting with its interesting architecture. It is understood from the structures and ruins on the castle that the castle was home to many civilizations and it was understood that it took its final form during the Ottoman period. People who visit the castle are also recommended to see the historic Boyabat houses.

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Balatlar (Turkish Bath) Church

Builtin 660 BC as an imperial bath during the Roman Empire, the building was converted into a church by the Byzantines at the beginning of the 5th century. After the Byzantine period, the building was also used as a grain store in the 11th and 13th centuries. During the Ottoman period, it was left to the Christian people to be used as a monastery and only a small part of the structure has survived to present day.

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Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfalls

The cascades discovered by chance in 1997 consist of 28 waterfalls arranged one after the other within a 2 km valley. It is possible to walk around the waterfalls of natural wonders as well as swimming in the ponds Entrance to the protected area of Erfelek waterfalls is chargeable and there are parking spaces for those arriving by car. There are fields, walking trails, restaurants, tea gardens and grocery stores for those who want to have a picnic in this green wondered area. Sweet waterfalls, which are among the indispensable routes of nature enthusiasts and photographers, are flooded with visitors, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

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Inalti Cave

40 km away from the town of Ayancık İnaltı village is located at an altitude of 1070 meters from the sea. In 2001, the interior of the cave lighting and cave walkways and stairs were added to tourism. The cave, which has a total depth of 2200 meters, is open to visitors only 650 meters from the entrance. The cave is fascinating for those who see very old stalactites, stalagmites and travertines. A 50-meter drive from the cave is also available.

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