Söğüt Köy

Söğütköy, located at the intersection of Mediterranean and Aegean regions, is hidden among the shades of green and blue and welcomes its visitors as if waiting to be discovered. It is a holiday resort of choice for those who want to spend a quiet and peaceful holiday with its great nature, forests, clean sea and beaches.

How to get to Söğütköy?

Transportation to Söğütköy, 60 km away from Marmaris, is provided by following the signposts via Marmaris and Datça-Bozburun from İçmeler-Armutalan-Hisarönü Gulf.    For those who do not have a private car, there are minibuses from Marmaris.

Söğütköy attractions and activities

In contrast to the usual activities for visitors, there are activities that culture and history lovers can do. Activities include walking in forested areas with plenty of oxygen, swimming and sunbathing in the clean sea, meeting and talking to local people, watching the sunset, joining a boat tour, canoeing. Saranda ancient city, Loryma ancient city and Bozukkale ancient city are among the places to be seen around the village which is calm even in the summer season.

Söğütköy Accommodation

Hotels and pensions are available for those who want to stay in Söğütköy, which has a very calm holiday approach.Alternative accommodation options include camping or setting up a tent.

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