It is not known when the ancient city was founded and it is estimated from the inscriptions that the history of the ancient city dates back to the 4th century BC. Kyaenai which means ringing rocks is located in the village of Yuva, 22 km from Demre. Since the ancient city of Kyaenai is built on steep cliffs up to 240 meters high, it is shown among the important mountain cities of the Lycian period. The city, which is surrounded by 450 meters long city walls, was also used as an episcopal centre in the ancient period. The ruins of the ancient city include the theatre, acropolis, necropolis and many sarcophagi. Some of the sarcophagi with reliefs were found to be dated to 350 BC. You can drive to the ancient city, which has a great view and walk after a point. Those who want to walk to the ancient city is recommended to wear a hat, bring water and wear walking shoes.
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