Zelve Open Air Museum

Zelve, which is among the points to be seen in Cappadocia, is 5 km from Avanos and 1 km from Paşabağı. Zelve, which is the densest area of pointed and wide-body fairy chimneys, is built on a steep slope. Zelve, which is the focal point of the monasteries trained in the 9th and 13th centuries, also includes Zelve open-air museum, Balıklı, Üzümlü and Geyikli churches, as well as many rock caves, a chapel, monastery, church settlements, tunnel and mill built in the name of St. Simon. The Zelve open-air museum is a must-see as an example of tolerance and respect for people of different faiths. Zelve open-air museum religions show that different communities can make churches and mosques in the same place at the same time and can worship with tolerance and respect.  Entrance to the Zelve open-air museum with car parking is for a fee and museum cardholders can visit free of charge.  Those who do not have a vehicle can go to Zelve open-air museum by using minibuses departing from Avanos and Ürgüp.

Zelve Open Air Museum visiting hours: From April 15th to October 2nd between 08:00 and 19:00. From October 3rd to April 14th between 08:00 and 17:00, every day of the week.

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