
Aspendos Ancient City

The world-famous Aspendos theatre and the ancient city of Aspendos are built on a rocky hill on the edge of the Köprüçay River, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea within the provincial borders of Antalya. It is understood that the city, which was understood to have been founded in the 7th century BC, was an important port and commercial city in the years it was founded. It is known that in ancient times, Aspendos traded corn, ornaments made of rosewood, wine, salt, olive oil and horses. The most important economic source of the ancient city of Aspendos is the salt obtained from Lake Kapria near the ancient city, and it is also known that the city breeds the best horses in the world. Aspendos, which is strategically important because it is connected to the harbour by the Köprüçay River, has been among the cities that were wanted to be captured in every age. There are Roman and post-Roman ruins within the ancient city. These ruins include a fountain, an odeon, a monumental gate, a temple, aqueducts, Roman baths, a theatre and a bridge built during the Ottoman period. The most important structure of the city is the theatre.The ancient city of Antalya is 50 km away from Alanya and 95 km from Side. You can go to the ancient city of Aspendos by the minibuses from Antalya bus station or Serik.

Visiting the ancient city of Aspendos: April to October in the hours of 09:00 to 19:00 The museum cardholders can be visited free of charge between 08:00 and 17:00 during November-March.

The ancient theatre of Aspendos

Belkis village located within the boundaries of Turkey and is the largest ancient theatre According to the inscription on the south parados of the Aspendos Theatre, which attracts visitors from all over the world, it was built by the architect Zenon, the son of a man named Theodoros of Aspendos. The theatre, which was built during the Roman period, is known to take 25 years. The theatre can accommodate 15 thousand spectators. On top of the stage, there is the relief of Dionisos, the god of wine and theatre. Before you visit Aspendos theatre, learning about the theatre will make your visit more enjoyable and understandable and changes the viewpoint of the visitors to the structure of the theatre. Walking around the corridors in the theatre, walking backstage, touching the stones on the walls of the theatre, feeling the history, climbing the top stairs and looking at the stage from there are among the recommended ones during the visit. The hill behind the theatre is recommended for those who want to take great pictures of Aspendos theatre. Today, especially in the summer season, concerts and various plays are exhibited in the theatre. The fact that even the slightest sound from the theatre’s stage can be heard easily even at the extreme point of the theatre still preserves its technical and architectural mystery. The artefacts and sculptures uncovered in the Aspendos theatre are now on display in the Antalya museum. Those who want to go to Aspendos theatre can go to Aspendos from Antalya bus station by minibus from Belek, Side, Alanya and Serik. For those who go to Aspendos by private car, parking is provided at a surcharge. Entrance to Aspendos theatre is chargeable and museum card is valid. The ancient city and theatre of Aspendos, which is definitely recommended for those interested in history, is open in summer and winter. Visiting the ancient city of Aspendos: April to October in the hours of 09:00 to 19:00 It can be visited between 08:00 and 17:00 in November-March.

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Aspendos aqueducts

The ancient aqueducts in the ancient city of Aspendos have survived to the present day, witnessing thousands of years of history. The aqueducts within the boundaries of the village of Camili are 15 meters high and are used to carry water to the city of Aspendos from the water resources near Gökçepınar, 15 km away and Gökçepınar, 12 km away. As an engineering marvel, the aqueducts still standing are thought to belong to the middle of the 2nd century AD in terms of architectural features and construction techniques. It is known that water transported by channels is accumulated in warehouses and distributed to the city from these warehouses. An inscription found in Aspendos explains that the aqueducts were built by Tiberius Claudius Italucus and made available to the city. Another feature of aqueducts is that there are two siphons that adjust the flow of water. The siphons provided that the water coming from the distance was first filled with the belt reservoirs, reducing the water flow rate and giving it to the city gradually. This system, which surprised even scientists today, is regarded as the engineering marvel of that era. It is recommended to visit Aspendos for a better understanding of how historical aqueducts function.

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