■ Assos

Located in Ayvacık district of Çanakkale, Assos is chosen as a holiday destination by thousands of people every year for its rich history, calm holiday concept, clean air, magnificent bays and sea. It was founded on the Andesite rocks just across the island of Lesbos on the shores of Edremit Bay. During the excavations and researches, it is estimated that the city history dates back to the Bronze Age and Assos is known to host many civilizations. The historical monuments of Assos include the Agora temple, Turkish bath, theatre, sarcophagi and the temple of Athena.

Some parts of the temple of Athena have been stolen abroad and some of them are under protection and exhibited in Istanbul Archeology Museum.  The archaeological excavations in Assos continue today. While Assos has a Mediterranean climate, the average annual temperature is 19 degrees and the hottest month is 30 degrees in July. Those who do not like to visit in hot weather are advised to prefer spring and autumn months.

Distances to Assos:

Assos Ayvalik 99 km
Assos Balıkesir 150 km
Assos Balıkesir Koca Seyit Airport 71 km
Assos Canakkale 87 km
Assos Edremit 65 km
Assos İstanbul 481 km
Assos İzmir 249 km

How to get to Assos?

Transportation by air: You can visit Assos by air via Balıkesir Koca Seyit Airport, which is 60 km away, or Çanakkale Airport, which is 90 km away. During the summer months, there are direct flights to these two airports from different cities in Turkey. You can get to Assos from the airports by minibuses, taxis or by renting a car.

Local transportation in Assos: Transportation in Assos is provided by minibus, taxi and rental vehicles. Those who want to visit Assos area are recommended to use bicycles for rent, private vehicles or rental cars.

Accommodation in Assos

There are many accommodation options in Assos, which has been crowded with the school holiday. It offers accommodation around the harbour in the centre or around Assos. Accommodation options include stone houses, boutique hotels, luxury hotels with blue flag beach, hostels, rental apartments and villas. Some of the hotels are open only during the summer months and some are open for 12 months. Those who come to Assos on holiday are advised to book their places in advance.

Nightlife in Assos

According to other holiday destinations in Turkey, which has quite a quiet night entertainment concept in Assos there are a few bars for entertainment. In summer, entertainment options include restaurant bars, hotel bars and discos.

What to eat in Assos?

With the influence of tourism, it is possible to find all kinds of flavours belonging to Eğe region in Asos where all kinds of flavours are found. Assos, where olive oil dishes come to the forefront, include seafood, stuffed zucchini, stuffed squid, squid pans, appetizers, hunter pastry, herbal pancakes, ravioli and spread breakfast.

Shopping in Assos

The bazaar in the centre of Assos is one of the most convenient places to shop.  Natural food products, handmade products, jewellery, souvenirs, stone products, souvenirs made of mussel shells, herbs collected from the mountains believed to have healing features and many other products are sold in this bazaar. In addition, every Friday, the village bazaar established in Ayvacık sells organic food products, jams, tomato paste, cheese, black mulberry juice, olives, olive oil and local bread.

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