
Adana which is 5th most crowded city of Turkey is located in the Mediterranean region. Adana, with its160 km long coastline, is also the owner of Turkey most fertile soil. On the fertile soil of Adana, benefiting from Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers, especially Çukurova, cotton, tobacco, corn, peanuts, sunflowers, melons, watermelons, potatoes and many other agricultural products are grown.

Being among the largest cities of Turkey, Adana is easy to travel, and its colourful city life, festivals, different places to see, rich history and cuisine, especially Adana kebab increases the number of visitors each year. Adana is also among the hottest cities of Turkey and the temperature rises up to 45 degrees Celsius in the summer.

Distances to Adana:

Adana Alanya 412 km
Adana Antalya 545 km
Adana Gaziantep 223 km
Adana Hatay 191 km
Adana Mersin 85 km
Adana Sanliurfa 365 km


How to get to Adana?

Due to its location, it is very easy to travel to Adana and there are many different transportation options.

Access by road:

Adana is quite easy to reach by road transport anywhere in Turkey, especially with the increased bus services are provided in the summer quite easily.

By air:

It provides transportation to Adana via Şakir Pasha Airport, which is located in the centre of Adana and open to international flights. For those who want to go to Adana city centre from the airport, there are municipal buses, airport shuttles and taxis.

Adana city transportation

Adana city transportation is usually provided by municipal buses, private-public buses, minibuses and taxis, and the Adana metro, which operates between 06:00 and 23:00 in the morning, is also among the options for transportation.

Accommodation in Adana:

Adana has a busy number of visitors due to its location and there are accommodation options for every budget for those who want to stay in Adana. The hotels in Seyhan and Yüreğir districts are among the most preferred areas for accommodation in terms of location and ease of transportation. Especially five star and boutique hotels located on the banks of the Seyhan River offer accommodation with river views.

What to eat in Adana?

When it comes to Adana dishes, Adana kebab comes to mind first. Although you may find Adana kebab in almost every city in Turkey it is definitely recommended to try it in Adana. Adana restaurants serve dishes from the Adana region, which are open from early morning until late at night. Recommended dishes to taste in Adana include Adana kebab, Adana lahmacun (which is a very thin Turkish pizza covered with seasoned minced meat and onions), Analıksız, Stuffed Mumbar, Fellah meatballs, İçli meatballs and many other dishes.

Places to Visit in Adana

Adana has a rich history, and there are many points to see, historical monuments and natural beauty. Here are places to visit in Adana!...


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